We are currently unable to accept returns or exchanges on Von Dutch headwear due to sanitary reasons.
Once your order is placed, we are unable to cancel or refund confirmed orders. We are only accepting exchanges and/or providing a store credit.
Please contact customer service here, to request an exchange or store credit within 15 days of the order delivery date.
Customer is responsible for Return Shipping cost: Flat Rate $12
Please ensure merchandise is in its original condition, tags and packaging included, otherwise we will be unable to accept your exchange.
All exchanges must be shipped from the same country they were purchased from.
Once your package reaches the warehouse, please allow 3 to 7 business days (depending on peak times) for your exchange to be processed.
If your exchange does not meet the conditions listed, the package will be sent back to you.
Once accepted, your exchange will be shipped and notified or store credit will be issued via a confirmation email.
Von Dutch adds signature delivery to all orders to ensure your package comes right to your hands. Please ship to the best location for you to receive during normal postal delivery hours.
Von Dutch is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged goods upon delivery at the location of the customer’s choice. Von Dutch takes the utmost care and efficiency to get your goods to you. Some pre-orders may take longer than expected due to high order volume. Back ordered items will ship out as soon as they become available in our warehouse.
If you are not present at the time of delivery for signature, you are responsible for pickup/collection of packages from carrier access points as defined by the carrier.
You are responsible for order cost and return shipping on lost, misplaced or uncollected packages after initial delivery is completed by the carrier.